

Video Testimonials

Give your potential customers the gift of seeing one of your customer success stories. Let them sing the praises of your business.

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Let your customers do the talking.

Incorporating video testimonials on a company's website and social media channels has proven to be an effective way to build brand credibility, instill trust in customers, and ultimately drive sales. There is no better way to build trust than good old-fashioned social proof.


Showcase real, authentic stories.

When customers share their stories, vividly describing the pain they experienced before benefiting from your exceptional products and services, something amazing happens. Prospective customers who can relate to that very pain are instilled with trust, recognizing your business as the ideal solution for their needs.

  • Unlike video business cards that are made to showcase a business’s story, product, and services or social media videos that are usually designed to sell, video testimonials are a way to create trust and credibility.

    This video is a customer's genuine feedback and endorsement of a business.

    Satisfied customers share firsthand experiences, showcasing the remarkable impact your products and services have had on their lives.

    These powerful video testimonials serve as compelling marketing tools, fostering trust and credibility among potential customers.

  • Put them on your landing page, send them to prospects, and use them in your marketing campaigns.

    There is no doubt that testimonial videos are invaluable converting assets.

    Website: Prominently feature video testimonials on your homepage or testimonial page, building trust through firsthand customer accounts.

    Social Media: Share video testimonials on platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin, leveraging their visual appeal to engage and expand your reach.

    Product Pages: Embed relevant video testimonials to showcase the value and benefits of your offerings, aiding informed purchasing decisions.

    Email Marketing: Boost click-through rates by including video testimonials in your campaigns, capturing attention, and providing social proof.

    Landing Pages: Persuade visitors and increase conversions by incorporating video testimonials on your landing pages.

    Trade Shows and Events: Create impact and generate interest by playing video testimonials at your booth or during presentations.

    Online Advertising: Enhance credibility and engagement by integrating video testimonials into your online campaigns.

  • The target audience for your video testimonials is those passionate dreamers, hopeful seekers, and curious souls who yearn for meaningful solutions. These individuals are on the cusp of making life-changing decisions and are seeking emotional connection, validation, and inspiration. Your testimonials should speak directly to their problem, resonating with their desires and aspirations. They are meant to build trust in those who are ready to embark on transformative journeys. By sharing your customers’ stories, we invite them to be one too inspired by individuals who have experienced your offerings.

📖 Share Their Story

Use your customer’s success stories to sell your products and services so you don’t have to.

🙌 Gain Loyal Fans

Turn even more customers into your biggest advocates. Connect with them in a deep and meaningful way.

🧰 Sales Tool

This customer success story can be shared by your sales and marketing teams to improve conversion rates and shorten sales cycles.

✨ Movie Magic

Showcase the aspects that make your brand unique using beautiful images, b-roll, music, interviews & more.


Video Testimonials


"We've now filmed two client video testimonials with Scaling Visual and I would highly recommend them. Stephen came up with plenty of ideas that we might not have considered ourselves, using his knowledge of what has worked for his clients in the past and both the videos have been incredibly helpful for us to convey how clients value our service.”

Alex Esson
Marketing Executive, LEAP Legal Software


Common Uses for Video Testimonials

Video testimonials are a versatile marketing tool that can be used in a variety of ways to foster customer confidence, increase conversion, and differentiate your company. Here are nine ways to get the most out of your brand story video:

  • Website and landing pages

  • Social media

  • Email marketing

  • Sales teams

  • Trade show promotion

  • Social media advertising

  • Brand repositioning

  • Investor pitch

  • Media & PR


Boost your conversion rate up to 80%

Research has shown that including a video on a website or landing page can improve conversion rates by up to 80%, as videos can capture the attention of viewers and convey information in a more engaging and memorable way than text alone.


Video Testimonial Packages

Our custom-tailored video packages offer a powerful and cost-effective way to create engaging video testimonials that can drive business growth.

📍 100% on-location

We pride ourselves on shooting all your videos on location, creating an authentic and immersive experience for viewers.

🎨 On-Brand Design

We ensure that every video testimonial we create aligns with our client's brand identity, values, and messaging.

🔍 Strategy Focused

Our approach is strategy-focused, ensuring that each video we create aligns with our client's marketing and business objectives.

✅ Accessible Pricing

We offer accessible and scalable pricing and packages that can be tailored to fit the unique needs and budget of any business.

📈 Scaleable packages that suit your needs.

  • Multiple sizes (Posts, stories. etc.)

  • Half-day of on-location shooting

  • Pro-level Lighting & Audio

  • Scriptingstoryboarding support

  • MusicGraphics fully licensed

  • Marketing strategy sessions

Trusted by brands like…

Fitzpatrick and Heavey Homes Ltd - Client section
Heavey Technolog - Client Section
ThinkBike Logo for clinet section
Bia Vest - Client section
Java Republic - Client section
Offbeat Donuts - Client section


Frequently asked questions.

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Reach out to us directly and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.

  • In our experience, we always say start with that customer who you may know personally. Who have become brand advocates and use your products and services regularly. They know your business well and are likely to have had a great experience.

  • Well, in short, don’t try and censor the customer’s experience. We recommend if the video is a video interview then we keep the conversation unscripted. We ask questions that allow us to have the participant tell their story, taking us through their experiences. The most important ingredient is that it’s their honest opinion.

  • It’s subjective. Some businesses prefer to send questions to potential participants and have the customer film a video testimonial on their phones. This is a strategy for more authenticity, but the person can need direction and filming instructions to avoid bad-quality video and audio. The alternative is to have us on-site filming the testimonial in person. We always recommend accom